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- Stroehm Music | Experimentelle neue Musik
STR ö HM experimental improvisative Ambient drone music Eckhart Landes - Keyboards / Mixing / Cut and Sound Tilo Carozzi - Keyboards / Voice / Bass / ARTdesign ya ya wick ströhm / from CD "ya ya wick" 00:00 / 05:21 electric poem ströhm / from CD "fourfivefivesixseveneight" 00:00 / 03:09 Contercyclical ströhm / from CD "socially relevant artistic" 00:00 / 02:44 magician of minimalist ströhm / from CD "socially relevant artistic" 00:00 / 05:20 Subscribe for updates / newsletter E-mail Subscribe Now Thanks for submitting! Blog - Stroehm-Music Entdecke auf unserem Stroehm-Music Blog mehr zum Thema "experimentelle Musik im Hier und Jetzt. Eine Reise durch Klänge, Geräusche und neue Klangwelten Start Blog
CONTACT Eckhart Landes Würtinger Strasse 25 D-72813 St.Johann Tilo Carozzi Kohlstetter Strasse 3 D-72813 St.Johann
ABOUT STRöHM Ströhm - timeless, intuitive, sensual STRöHM combine experimental music (avant-garde ambient drone) with free improvisation and create imaginative sound structures from it. Novel sounds, rhythmically underlaid, expressive, dynamic, then again impulsive with romantic elements are the musical result of the mutual interplay. The music of STRöHM is the result of an agreement within the band. The music arises from the moment and is not a rational, but an intuitive, emotional and sensual process. The focus here is on free and improvised play. In the here and now, themes, motifs and rhythms develop into unique ones Pieces of music. Only inspiration and mutual listening bring about this music and unique sound. Fantasy and melancholy, dream and transience are bundled here in the moment of energy, inspiration and joy of playing. STRöHM does not seem static, but is a constantly developing, independently redefining process and moves away from existing conventions and music concepts. The name "STRöHM" is based on Ichon Tichy: Raumpilot - The Star Diaries, in which a strange planet is being bombarded by asteroids ("Ström"). We in the here and now To person: Tilo Carozzi * 1957 Musician, freelance artist, Dipl.Pedagoge, Dip. Social Pedagogue “Where the need for expression meets the possible is the place of art for me. " In my artistic process, recognition and action, analysis and practice must be directly linked and interlocked. Artistic knowledge does not aim at analysis and causes, not at explanations and also causal intervention possibilities derived from them, but seeks to grasp the design and educational laws of your object from the phenomenon. Art field: photography, experimental photography, lighting design, Object art, free painting, room installations. Eckhart Landes * 1958 Musician, composer, astrologer based on the "Munich Rhythms Theory", author and piano tuner. "Music is the representation of time and brings the unity of a time to appearance; it is the direct representation of being as truth. This truth appears in the soul." Time, music, rhythm - everything is in flux and contains permanent change. Anyone who confides in her will henceforth think more differently about life. Eckhart Landes und Tilo Carozzi
IMPRINT Eckhart Landes Würtinger Strasse 25 72813 St: Johann 07122/820341 Tilo Carozzi Kohlstetter Strasse 3 72813 St.Johann Phone: 07122/3199 Email: Disclaimer - legal information § 1 Warning about content The free and freely accessible content of this website was created with the greatest possible care. However, the provider of this website assumes no liability for the correctness and topicality of the provided free and freely accessible journalistic advice and news. Namely Marked contributions express the opinion of the respective author and not always the opinion of the Seller again. Simply calling up the free and freely accessible content does not result in anything Contractual relationship between the user and the provider is established, insofar as there is no Willingness of the provider to be legally bound. § 2 External Links This website contains links to third party websites ("external links"). These websites are subject to Liability of the respective operator. When linking the external links for the first time, the provider has the Checks external content for any legal violations. At the time there weren't any Legal violations apparent. The provider has no influence on the current and future design and on the content of the linked pages. The setting of external links does not mean that the Provider adopts the content behind the reference or link as his own. Constant control of the External links are unreasonable for the provider without concrete evidence of legal violations. At However, if we become aware of legal violations, such external links will be deleted immediately. § 3 Copyright and ancillary copyrights The content published on this website is subject to German copyright law Ancillary copyright law. Any not permitted by German copyright and ancillary copyright law Utilization requires the prior written consent of the provider or the respective rights holder. This applies in particular to duplication, editing, translation, storage, processing or Playback of content in databases or other electronic media and systems. Content and Third party rights are marked as such. Unauthorized copying or distribution Individual content or complete pages is not permitted and is punishable by law. Only the production of Copies and downloads for personal, private and non-commercial use are permitted. The presentation of this website in external frames is only permitted with written permission. § 4 Special Terms of Use As far as special conditions for individual uses of this website from the aforementioned Paragraphs differ, this is expressly pointed out at the appropriate point. In this case The special terms of use apply in each individual case. privacy We will inform you below in accordance with the legal requirements of data protection law (in particular in accordance with BDSG nF and the European General Data Protection Regulation 'DS-GVO') on the type, scope and purpose of the processing of personal data by our company. This Data protection declaration also applies to our websites and social media profiles. Regarding the definition of Terms such as "personal data" or "processing" are referred to in Art. 4 GDPR. Name and contact details of the person responsible Our responsible person (hereinafter “responsible person”) within the meaning of Art. 4 no. 7 GDPR is / are: ströhm music Tilo Carozzi Kohlstetter Strasse 3 72813 St.Johann-Germany Eckhart Landes Würtinger Strasse 25 72813 St.Johann Email address: Data protection officer Tilo Carozzi and Eckhart Landes stroehm Types of data, purposes of processing and categories of data subjects In the following, we will inform you about the type, scope and purpose of the collection, processing and use personal data. 1. Types of data we process Inventory data (name, address, etc.), contact details (telephone number, email, fax, etc.), payment data (Bank details, account details, payment history, etc.) , 2. Purposes of processing according to Art. 13 Para. 1 c) GDPR Marketing / sales / advertising, customer service and customer care, handling contact inquiries, websites provide with functions and content, 3. Categories of data subjects according to Art. 13 Para. 1 e) GDPR Visitors / users of the website, customers, interested parties, The data subjects are collectively referred to as "users". Legal basis for processing personal data In the following we will inform you about the legal basis for the processing of personal data: 1. If we have obtained your consent for the processing of personal data, Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. a) GDPR legal basis. 2. Is the processing to fulfill a contract or to carry out pre-contractual measures required, which take place at your request, Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. b) GDPR is the legal basis. 3. Is the processing necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which we are subject (e.g. statutory retention requirements), Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. c) GDPR is the legal basis. 4. Is the processing necessary for the vital interests of the data subject or a To protect other natural persons, Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. d) GDPR is the legal basis. 5. Is the processing necessary to safeguard our interests or the legitimate interests of a third party and if your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms do not outweigh your interests, Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit.f) GDPR legal basis. Transfer of personal data to third parties and processors As a matter of principle, we will not pass on any data to third parties without your consent. Should this be the case then the transfer takes place on the basis of the aforementioned legal bases, e.g. with the Passing on of data to online payment providers for the fulfillment of a contract or due to judicial Order or because of a legal obligation to surrender the data for the purpose of Law enforcement, security or intellectual property rights enforcement. We also use contract processors (external service providers e.g. for web hosting our websites and Databases) to process your data. If under an agreement to Order processing is passed on to the processor data, this is always done in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR. We carefully select our processors and check them regularly and have given us the right to issue instructions with regard to the data. In addition, the Processors have taken suitable technical and organizational measures and the Comply with data protection regulations according to BDSG nF and DS-GVO Data transfer to third countries With the adoption of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a uniform basis for data protection in Europe created. Your data is therefore predominantly processed by companies for which GDPR applies. The processing should go through Third-party services take place outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, so they must meet the special requirements of Art. 44 ff. GDPR. That means that Processing takes place on the basis of special guarantees, such as those officially issued by the EU Commission recognized determination of a data protection level corresponding to the EU or compliance officially recognized special contractual obligations, the so-called "standard contractual clauses". As far as we are due to the ineffectiveness of the so-called "Privacy Shield", according to Art. 49 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 lit. obtain your express consent to the transfer of data to the USA in this regard to the risk of secret access by US authorities and the use of the data Monitoring purposes, possibly without legal remedies for EU citizens. Deletion of data and storage duration Unless expressly stated in this privacy policy, your personal data will be used deleted or blocked as soon as you revoke your consent to processing or the The purpose for the storage is omitted or the data is no longer required for the purpose, unless their further storage is required for evidence purposes or is legal Oppose retention obligations. This includes, for example, retention obligations under commercial law of business letters according to § 257 Paragraph 1 HGB (6 years) as well as retention obligations under tax law according to § 147 Abs. 1 AO of receipts (10 years). When the prescribed retention period expires, your data will be blocked or deleted, unless the storage is still for one Conclusion of a contract or necessary for the fulfillment of a contract. Existence of automated decision-making We do not use automatic decision-making or profiling. Provision of our website and creation of log files 1. If you only use our website for information purposes (i.e. no registration and no other transmission of information), we only collect the personal data that your Browser transmitted to our server. If you want to look at our website, we collect the following data: • IP address; • Internet service provider of the user; • the date and time of the request; • browser type; • language and browser version; • content of the call; • time zone; • Access status / HTTP status code; • amount of data; • Websites from which the request came; • Operating system. This data is stored together with other personal data about you not held. 2. These data serve the purpose of user-friendly, functional and secure delivery our website to you with functions and content as well as their optimization and statistical Evaluation. 3. The legal basis for this is our legitimate interest in the data processing according to Art. 6 Para. 1 S.1 lit.f) GDPR. 4. For security reasons, we store this data in server log files for the storage period of Days. After this period these are automatically deleted, unless we need them Storage for evidence purposes in the event of attacks on the server infrastructure or others Infringements. Cookies 1. We use so-called cookies when you visit our website. Cookies are small text files that Your internet browser stores and saves it on your computer. If you visit our website again When you call up, these cookies provide information in order to automatically recognize you. To the Cookies also include the so-called "user IDs", where user information is provided by means of pseudonymised profiles get saved. We will inform you about this when you visit our website by means of a note to our privacy policy about the use of cookies for the aforementioned Purposes and how you can object to this or prevent its storage ("opt-out"). A distinction is made between the following types of cookies: • Necessary, essential cookies: Essential cookies are cookies that are used to operate the website are absolutely necessary to use certain functions of the website such as logins, shopping cart or To save user input, e.g. regarding the language of the website. • Session cookies: Session cookies are used to recognize multiple uses of a Offer by the same user (e.g. if you have logged in to determine your Login status) is required. When you visit our site again, these cookies provide information to automatically recognize you. The information obtained in this way is used to improve our To optimize offers and to give you easier access to our site. If If you close the browser or log out, the session cookies are deleted. • Persistent cookies: These cookies are saved even after the browser is closed. They are used to store the login, to measure the range and for marketing purposes. This are automatically deleted after a specified period, which differ depending on the cookie can. You can delete cookies at any time in the security settings of your browser. • Cookies from third-party providers (third-party cookies, especially from advertisers): Correspondingly You can configure your browser settings and e.g. B. The assumption reject third-party cookies or all cookies. However, we would like to point this out to you at this point point out that you may then not be able to use all the functions of this website. Read more on these cookies in the respective data protection declarations for the third-party providers. 2. Data categories: user data, cookies, user ID (in particular the pages visited, device information, Access times and IP addresses). 3. Purposes of processing: The information obtained in this way serves the purpose of our website to optimize technically and economically and give you easier and safer access to our Website to enable. 4. Legal bases: If we process your personal data with the help of cookies based on your Process consent ("opt-in"), then Article 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. a) GDPR is the legal basis. Otherwise we have a legitimate interest in the effective functionality, improvement and economic operation of the website, so that in this case Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) GDPR The legal basis is. The legal basis is also Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 lit. b) GDPR if the cookies to initiate a contract, e.g. for orders . 5. Storage period / deletion: The data will be deleted as soon as they are necessary to achieve the purpose their collection are no longer required. In the case of the collection of data for the provision of the Website, this is the case when the respective session has ended. Otherwise, cookies are stored on your computer and from there to our side transmitted. As a user, you therefore have full control over the use of cookies. By changing the settings in your Internet browser, you can prevent the transfer of Deactivate or restrict cookies. Cookies that have already been saved can be deleted at any time will. This can also be done automatically. If cookies are deactivated for our website, it is possible that not all functions of the website can be used to their full extent. Here you can find information on how to delete cookies by browser: Chrome: Safari: Firefox: Internet Explorer: Microsoft Edge: 6. Objection and "opt-out": You can save cookies on your hard drive prevent in general, regardless of consent or legal permission, by using Select “do not accept cookies” in your browser settings. But this can be a Restrict the functionality of our offers. You can use cookies from third-party providers for advertising purposes via a so-called "opt-out" via this American Website ( ) or this European Website ( Newsletter 1. You can subscribe to our newsletter with your voluntary consent by entering your Subscribe to email address. Only this is a duty. The provision of further data is voluntary and only serves the purpose of a personal address. We use the so-called. "Double opt-in procedure". After you have registered with your e-mail, you will receive the Confirmation of your registration an email with a link for confirmation. If you click this confirmation link, your e-mail will be added to the newsletter distribution list and for the purpose of Sending emails saved. Shouldn't you click on the confirmation link within of hours, your login data will be blocked and automatically after days deleted. 2. We also log the IP address you used when you registered, as well as the date and time Time of the double opt-in (registration and confirmation). The purpose of this storage is the fulfillment of legal requirements with regard to the proof of your registration as well as the Prevention of abuse of your email. 3. As part of your declaration of consent, the content (e.g. advertised Products / services, offers, advertising and topics) of the newsletter are specifically described. 4. When sending the newsletter, we evaluate your user behavior. The newsletters contain for this so-called "web beacons" or "tracking pixels", which are called up when the newsletter is opened will. For the evaluations, we link the web beacons with your e-mail address and a individual ID. Links received in the newsletter also contain this ID. The data will be Only collected in pseudonymised form, the IDs are therefore not shared with your other personal Data linked, a direct personal reference is excluded. With this data you can we determine if and when you have opened the newsletter and which links in the newsletter have been clicked. This serves the purpose of optimizing and statistical evaluation of our Newsletters. 5. We use the data obtained above to create a user profile to reflect reading habits and Identify the interests of our users and thus individualize the newsletter. If you If you have also performed other actions on our website, we will link this data also to adapt our newsletter content to your interests. 6. Your legal basis for sending the newsletter, measuring success and saving the e-mail is yours Consent in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 lit. a) GDPR in conjunction with Section 7 Paragraph 2 No. 3 UWG and for the Logging of the consent Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit.f) GDPR, as this is our legitimate The interest of legal provability. 7. You can object to tracking at any time by using the unsubscribe link at the end of the Click on newsletters. In this case, however, the receipt of the newsletter would also end. If you are in If you deactivate the display of images in your e-mail software, tracking is also not possible. However, this may have restrictions with regard to the functions of the newsletter and contained images will then not be displayed. 8. You can revoke your consent to the sending of the newsletter at any time. You can the revocation by clicking the unsubscribe link at the end of the newsletter, an email or Exercise notification to our contact details above. We save your data as long as you use the Subscribed to the newsletter. After you unsubscribe, your data will only be anonymous stored for statistical purposes. Facebook Custom Audiences 1. We use the remarketing function “Custom Audiences” from Facebook on our website Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA or, if you are based in the EU, Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, Dublin 2, Ireland. 2. Data categories and description of data processing: IP address, cookie ID, Location information. If you are using the social network Facebook or other websites that have Using this remarketing function, you can visit your interest-based advertisements ("Facebook Ads") are displayed. We use the remarketing function for optimization and economic operation of our website and to show you advertising that you can interested and in order to make our website more user-friendly. When calling our Website, your browser connects to the Facebook servers. But Facebook receives the information that you have called up or clicked a corresponding advertisement. If you If you are logged in to Facebook, Facebook can assign this information to your account. With regard to processing by Facebook, please read Facebook's data protection declaration under Special information and details about the Facebook pixel and You can find out how it works in the Facebook help section: 3. Purpose of processing: display of personalized advertising, measurement and evaluation of the Advertising, billing of advertising, analysis of viewing behavior. 4. Legal basis: If you have to process your personal data using “Custom Audiences "from the third party provider gives your consent (" opt-in "), then Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. a) GDPR is the legal basis. The legal basis is also ours for the above purposes legitimate interest in data processing according to Art. 6 Para. 1 S.1 lit.f) GDPR. 5. Storage period: Facebook gives us access to it for 180 days. 6. Data transfer / recipient category: Facebook Ireland . 7. Opposition option (“opt-out”): Deactivating the “Facebook Custom Audiences ”is here for users who are not logged in [__Facebook Pixel Opt-Out Link on your website register__] possible and possible for logged-in users under this link: Google Analytics 1. We have the website analysis tool "Google Analytics" (service provider: Google Ireland Limited, Register No .: 368047, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland) on our website. 2. Data categories and description of data processing: User ID, IP address (anonymized). When you visit our website, Google places a cookie on your computer in order to use it analyze our website through you. We have the IP anonymization "anonymizeIP" activated, which means that the IP addresses are only processed further in abbreviated form. On this website your Google's IP address therefore within member states of the European Union or in others Contracting states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area previously shortened. Only in In exceptional cases, the full IP address will be sent to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to generate reports on website activity compile and to further, with the use of the website and the Internet, To provide services to the person responsible. We also have the Cross-device analysis of website visitors activated via a so-called user ID is carried out. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other data from Google. More information on data usage at Google Analytics you can find it here: (Analytics Terms of Use), (Notes on data protection with Analytics) and Google's data protection declaration 3. Purpose of processing: The use of Google Analytics serves the purpose of analysis, Optimizing and improving our website. 4. Legal basis: Do you have to process your personal data using “Google Analytics "from the third party provider gives your consent (" opt-in "), then Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. a) GDPR is the legal basis. The legal basis is also ours for the purposes above legitimate interest (the analysis, optimization and improvement of our website) in the Data processing in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 Clause 1 lit.f) GDPR. For services related to a contract are provided, tracking and analysis of user behavior is carried out in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit.b) GDPR in order to use the information obtained to optimize services To be able to offer fulfillment of the purpose of the contract. 5. Storage duration: those sent by us and with cookies, user IDs (e.g. user ID) or Data linked to advertising IDs are automatically deleted after months. The deletion of data, whose retention period has been reached, takes place automatically once a month. 6. Data transfer / recipient category: Google, Ireland and USA. We also have Google an agreement for order processing according to Art. 28 GDPR concluded. 7. Opposition and removal options ("opt-out"): • You can generally prevent cookies from being saved on your hard drive by going to your Select browser settings "do not accept cookies". But this can be a Restrict the functionality of our offers. You can also use the Collection of the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website Prevent Google and the processing of this data by Google by using the Download and install the following link available browser plug-in: • As an alternative to the browser plug-in above, you can use Google Analytics to record your data prevent by [__ here please__ insert the Analytics opt-out link of your website] click. With the click, an “opt-out” cookie is set, which allows your data to be recorded when Visiting this website prevented in the future. This cookie is only valid for our website and yours current browser and only lasts until you delete your cookies. In that case would have to You set the cookie again. • You can perform the cross-device user analysis in your Google account under “My data> Deactivate personal data ”. YouTube videos 1. We have YouTube videos from on our website using the embedded function integrated so that they can be called up directly on our website. YouTube belongs to Google Ireland Limited, Registration No .: 368047, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. 2. Data category and description of data processing: usage data (e.g. accessed Website, content and access times). We have the videos in the so-called "extended data protection mode" integrated without cookies being used to record user behavior in order to enable video playback personalize. Instead, the video recommendations are based on the video currently being played. Videos played in an embedded player in privacy enhanced mode do not affect which videos are recommended to you on YouTube. When starting one Videos (click on the video) you consent to YouTube tracking the information that you have received the have accessed the corresponding subpage or the video on our website and use this data for Uses advertising purpose. 3. Purpose of processing: Provision of a user-friendly offer, optimization and Improving our content. 4. Legal basis: Do you have to process your personal data using "etracker" If you have given your consent from the third-party provider ("opt-in"), Article 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. a) GDPR is the Legal basis. The legal basis is also our legitimate for the purposes above Interest in data processing according to Art. 6 Para. 1 S.1 lit.f) GDPR. For services that are in Are provided in connection with a contract, the tracking and analysis of the User behavior according to Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit.b) GDPR, in order to use the information obtained to be able to offer optimized services to fulfill the purpose of the contract. 5. Data transfer / recipient category: Third party providers in the USA. The data obtained will be transferred to the USA and stored there. This is also done without a Google user account. Should If you are logged into your Google account, Google can assign the above data to your account. If you do not want this, you have to log out of your Google account. Google created from such data user profiles and uses this data for the purpose of advertising, market research or optimization of its websites. 6. Storage period: Cookies for up to 2 years or until the cookies are deleted by you as the user. 7. Objection: You have a right of objection to Google against the formation of User profiles. Therefore, please contact Google directly via the address given below Data protection. You can opt-out of the advertising cookies here in In your Google account: 8. In the YouTube terms of use at and in the Data protection declaration for advertising from Google at you can find more information about the 9. Use of Google cookies and their advertising technologies, storage duration, anonymization, Location data, functionality and your rights. General data protection declaration from Google: Presence on social media 1. We maintain profiles and fan pages in social media. When using and calling our Profile in the respective network by you, the respective data protection notices and apply Terms of use of the respective network. 2. Data categories and description of data processing: usage data, contact details, Content data, inventory data. Furthermore, the data of the users within social networks are saved in Usually processed for market research and advertising purposes. For example, using the Usage behavior and the resulting interests of the user created user profiles will. The usage profiles can in turn be used, for example, to place advertisements within and outside of the networks that presumably correspond to the interests of the users. To For these purposes, cookies are usually stored on the computers of the users in which the Usage behavior and the interests of the users are saved. Furthermore, in the Usage profiles also store data regardless of the devices used by the users (especially if the users are members of the respective platforms and on these are logged in). For a detailed presentation of the respective processing forms and the Opposition options (opt-out) are referred to the data protection declarations and information the operator of the respective networks. Also in the case of requests for information and assertions We would like to point out that the rights of data subjects are most effectively applied to the providers can be made. Only the providers have and can access the data of the users take appropriate measures directly and provide information. Should you still need help then you can contact us. 3. Purpose of processing: communication with those connected to the social networks and registered users; Information and advertising for our products, offers and Services; External representation and image cultivation; Evaluation and analysis of users and content our presences on social media. 4. Legal basis: The legal basis for processing personal data is our legitimate interest in the above purposes according to Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. f) GDPR. Insofar as you have given us or the person responsible for the social network your consent to the Processing of your personal data, the legal basis is Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. a) in conjunction with Art. 7 GDPR. 5. Data transmission / recipient category: social network. 6. The data protection information, information options and objection options (opt-out) of The respective networks / service providers can be found here: • Facebook service provider: Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, Dublin 2, Ireland); Website: ; Data protection:, Opt-Out: and ; Contradiction:; Agreement on common Processing of personal data on Facebook pages (Art. 26 GDPR):, data protection information for Facebook pages: • Instagram service provider: Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, Dublin 2, Ireland) - Privacy Policy / Opt-Out:, Objection:; Agreement on common Processing of personal data on Instagram pages (Art. 26 GDPR): • LinkedIn - Service provider: LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland) - Data protection declaration:, cookie policy and opt-out: Social media plug-ins 1. We use social media plug-ins from social networks on our website. Use it we use the so-called "two-click solution" Shariff from c't or; Service provider: Heise Medien GmbH & Co. KG, Karl-Wiechert-Allee 10, 30625 Hanover, Germany; Data protection: 2. Data category and description of data processing: usage data, content data, Inventory data. When you visit our website, “Shariff” does not transfer any personal information Data transmitted to the third party providers of the social plug-ins. In addition to the logo or brand of the social network you will find a controller with which you can activate the plug-in with a click. This activation represents your consent in the form that the respective provider of the social Network receives the information that you have accessed our website and your personal data are transmitted to the provider of the plug-in and stored there. These are so-called third-party cookies. With some providers such as Facebook and XING According to their information, your IP will be anonymized immediately after the survey. The one about the user The plug-in provider stores the collected data as usage profiles. You can give your consent can be canceled at any time by deactivating the controller. 3. Purpose of data processing: improvement and optimization of our website; Increase our Familiarity via social networks; Ability to interact with you and the user with each other via social networks; Advertising, analysis and / or needs-based design of the Website. 4. Legal basis: The legal basis for processing personal data is our legitimate interest in the above purposes according to Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. f) GDPR. Insofar as you have given us or the person responsible for the social network your consent to the Processing of your personal data, the legal basis is Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. a) in conjunction with Art. 7 GDPR. For pre-contractual inquiries or when using your personal data for the fulfillment of the contract is Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. b) GDPR Legal basis. 5. Data transmission / recipient category: social network. 6. Social networks used and objection: We refer to the purpose and Extent of data collection and processing on the respective data protection declarations of social networks. You will also find information about your rights and Setting options to protect your personal data. You stand by Right to object to the creation of these user profiles, whereby you can exercise this You can contact the respective plug-in provider directly. Facebook 1. We have plug-ins from the social network on our website (company headquarters in the EU: Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, Dublin 2, Ireland) as part of the The so-called “two-click solution” from Shariff is integrated. You can recognize this by the Facebook logo “f” or the Addition “Like”, “Like” or “Share”. 2. As soon as you willingly activate the Facebook plug-in, your Browser made to the servers of Facebook. Facebook receives the information including your IP, that you have accessed our website and transmits this information Facebook server in the USA, where this information is stored. If you are on Facebook in If you are logged in to your account, Facebook can assign this information to your account. At Use of the functions of the plug-in, e.g. pressing the "Like" button, will be used Information is also transmitted from your browser to the Facebook server in the USA and stored there and displayed in your Facebook profile and, if applicable, with your friends. 3. Purpose and scope of the data collection as well as its further processing and use of the data by Facebook as well as your related rights and setting options to protect your Privacy, can be found in Facebook's data protection information: Data collection with the "Like" button: Your settings regarding the use of your You can manage and object to profile data for advertising purposes on Facebook here: 4. If you log out of Facebook before visiting our website and delete your cookies, When the plug-in is activated, no data about your visit to our website will be saved in your profile assigned on Facebook. 5. Agreement on joint processing of personal data on Facebook pages (Art. 26 GDPR):, Data protection information for Facebook pages: Instagram 1. We have plug-ins from the social network Instagram (service provider: Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, Dublin 2, Ireland) as part of the Integrated so-called “two-click solution” from Shariff. You can recognize this by the Instagram logo in the form a square camera. 2. If you willingly activate the plug-in, your browser will connect to the Servers made by Instagram. Instagram receives the information, including yours IP address that you have visited our site and transmits the information to the server of Instagram in the USA, where this information is stored. If you are on Instagram in your Account are logged in, Instagram can assign this information to your account and you can click the Instagram button and share the content of our pages on your Instagram account and save it and show it to your friends there if necessary. We have no knowledge of the the exact content of the transmitted data, their use and storage duration by Instagram. 3. If you log out of Instagram before visiting our website and delete your cookies, When the plug-in is activated, no data about your visit to our website will be saved in your profile assigned on Instagram. 4. You can find further information in the data protection declaration / opt-out of Instagram at / Opt-Out:, objection:; Joint Processing Agreement personal data on Instagram pages (Art. 26 GDPR): Rights of the data subject 1. Objection or revocation against the processing of your data As far as the processing is based on your consent according to Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. a), Art. 7 GDPR you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The legality of the This does not affect any processing carried out on the basis of the consent up to the point of revocation. As far as we process your personal data on the balance of interests in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit.f) GDPR, you can object to the Insert processing. This is the case, in particular, if the processing is not for Fulfillment of a contract with you is necessary, which we do in each case with the following Description of the functions is shown. When exercising such an objection we ask you to explain the reasons why we do not use your personal data as from should process us carried out. In the event of your justified objection, we will check the Situation and will either stop or adjust the data processing or you show our compelling legitimate reasons, on the basis of which we are processing continue. You can have your personal data processed for advertising and marketing purposes Object to data analysis at any time. You can exercise your right of objection free of charge. You can inform us about your objection to advertising using the following contact details: ströhm music Kohlstetter Strasse 3 72813 St.Johann-Germany Email address: 2. Right to information You have the right to request confirmation from us as to whether you are concerned personal data are processed. If so, you have a right to Information about your personal data stored by us in accordance with Art. 15 GDPR. this includes in particular information about the purposes of processing, the category of personal data Data, the categories of recipients to whom your data has been disclosed or , the planned storage period, the origin of your data, if not directly with you were collected. 3. Right to rectification You have the right to correct incorrect data or to complete correct data in accordance with Art. 16 GDPR. 4. Right to cancellation According to Art. 17 GDPR, you have the right to have your data stored by us deleted because legal or contractual retention periods or other legal obligations or This is opposed to rights for further storage. 5. Right to Restriction You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data request if one of the requirements in Art. 18 Para. 1 lit. a) to d) GDPR is met: • If you dispute the accuracy of the personal data concerning you for a period that it enables the person responsible to check the correctness of the personal data; • the processing is unlawful and you refuse to delete the personal data and instead request the restriction of the use of personal data; • the controller no longer uses the personal data for the purposes of processing but you need them to assert, exercise or defend legal claims need, or • if you have objected to the processing in accordance with Art. 21 Paragraph 1 GDPR and It has not yet been determined whether the legitimate reasons of the person responsible compared to your reasons predominate. 6. Right to data portability You have the right to data portability according to Art. 20 GDPR, which means that you can use the us about you stored personal data in a structured, common and machine-readable format or transmission to another person in charge can demand. 7. Right to Complain You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. Usually you can do this to the supervisory authority, in particular in the member state of your place of residence, your place of work or the location of the alleged violation. Data security To protect all personal data transmitted to us and to ensure that the data protection regulations are observed by us, but also by our external service providers, we have taken suitable technical and organizational security measures. Therefore be including all data between your browser and our server via a secure SSL connection encrypted transmission. Right of withdrawal You have the right to revoke this purchase contract within fourteen days without giving any reason. The cancellation period is fourteen days from the day on which you took possession of the goods. In order to exercise your right of withdrawal, you must contact us By letter to: ströhm music Attn: Tilo Carozzi Kohlstetter Strasse 3 72813 St.Johann Per email to: by means of a clear declaration of your decision to withdraw from this contract. Consequences of withdrawal If you withdraw from the contract, we have to give you all payments that we have received from you, including delivery costs (with the exception of those additional costs that result from the fact that you choose a different type of delivery than the cheap standard delivery offered by us have chosen) to repay immediately and at the latest within 14 days from the day on which the notification of your revocation was received by us. However, we can refuse the repayment until we have received the goods back or until you have provided evidence that you have sent the goods back, whichever is earlier. For the repayment, we will use the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction, unless something else was expressly agreed with you. In no case will we charge you any fees for this repayment. In the event of cancellation, please send the goods to us immediately in any case, but no later than 14 days from the day on which you notified us of your cancellation ströhm music Attn: Tilo Carozzi Kohlstetter Strasse 3 72813 St.Johann to send back. The deadline is met if you send the goods before the period of 14 days has expired. You have to bear the costs of the direct return. We would like to point out that when downloading data, your right of revocation expires as soon as you have started the execution, "ie loading the file", have expressly agreed to the process and have taken note that the right of revocation expires with the execution of the download. In addition, there is no right of revocation for distance sales contracts for the delivery of audio or video recordings or software, provided that you have already unsealed the data carriers supplied. Datenschutzerklärung
VIDEOS Film music Using the example of "Völklinger Hütte", we combined our own video material with our music. They make excellent backgrounds for a wide variety of genres for videos and films. Here we can fall back on an extensive fund of special music that has not yet been performed here. We are happy to create or offer appropriate music for your films / videos. Just ask if you are interested. Using the example of "Völklinger Hütte", we combined our own video material with our music. They make excellent backgrounds for a wide variety of genres for videos and films. Here we can fall back on an extensive fund of special music that has not yet been performed here. We are happy to create or offer appropriate music for your films / videos. Just ask if you are interested. Film music Using the example of "Völklinger Hütte", we combined our own video material with our music. They make excellent backgrounds for a wide variety of genres for videos and films. Here we can fall back on an extensive fund of special music that has not yet been performed here. We are happy to create or offer appropriate music for your films / videos. Just ask if you are interested.
MUSIC TO BUY The STRöHM handset package insert Instructions for use: Information for listeners (users) Read the entire booklet (package insert) carefully before you start listening to this music as it contains important information for you. Always listen carefully to the music. Perhaps the listening experience is exactly your product. Keep the booklet in a safe place. You may want to read this again later. Ask the musicians if you need more information or advice. This also applies to side effects that are not listed in this booklet. - See section 5. If you do not feel better or even worse after 3 days (if you are unimaginative) or 3 - 4 days (if you are tired of everyday life), contact your doctor. What is in this booklet What is STRöHM -Music® and what is it used for? Contents of the music CD / music download and other information What should you watch out for before listening to STRöHM®? How should you listen to STRöHM -Music®? What side effects are possible? How should this STRöHM CD® or download be stored? 1. What is STRöHM -Music® and what for is she heard? Ströhm - Music contains improvisation music (electronic, experimental) and is an imaginative and stimulating style of music. Ströhm - Music is part of the symptomatic treatment of lack of imagination and / or mild to moderate boredom. Go on a journey of audio discovery with Ströhm - Music, feel a thirst for adventure and feel 20 years younger. Ströhm - Music is suitable for adults and young people from the age of 12 to listen to. 2. Music content - CD / music download and other information What STRöHM - Music contains The active ingredient is: improvisation music (electronic, experimental). A pressed CD / download album contains approx. 50 minutes of improvisation music (electronic, experimental) and has an invigorating effect. The other ingredients are: Timeless - intuitive - sensual - real Genre: Ambient - Drone Instruments: keyboards and vocals How STRöHM - Music sounds like and the content of the music CD / music download New sounds, rhythmically underlaid; sometimes screaming, then recovering with sensual set pieces; mostly move in the atonal range. Free and improvised style of play is in the foreground; Fantasy and melancholy, dream and transience combine to create a unique sound. Contents of the CDs / the downloads: about 12 to 16 pieces of music. There are more STRöHM -Music® CDs / downloads on the market or will be placed on the market. 3. What should you watch out for before listening to STRöHM -Music®? Ströhm - Music should not be listened to, if you are allergic to electronic music improvisations or other freestyle music (avant-garde etc.) or one of the other components of this music mentioned in section 2; if you have had allergic reactions to improvised music or similar music (especially atonal music compositions) in the past (e.g. nervousness, screaming fits, shock and other complaints); if you feel a defense against the recognizable outside world; if you have an unrestricted need for harmony; if you prefer to linger in the happy togetherness of the eternal major chords; when something unusual arises in you as malaise and stomach pressure with the desire to defecate; If you have been listening to other music so far, get in carefully. If you have tantrums, just give away the CD. Warnings and Precautions Please talk to your doctor or musician before listening to STRöHM -Music®, when listening to other music productions that contain electronic music - improvisation to avoid overdosing; if you have been listening to high doses of improvised music for a long time and you develop headaches while listening to it; do not increase the dose, but seek advice from the musicians; if you regularly listen to STRöHM -Music®, especially if you combine it with several styles of music at the same time; this can lead to impaired perception; if you suffer from a lack of sensuality; if you are choleric; For some listeners, the occurrence of tantrums can be caused by allergic reactions to atonal musical works or music improvisations. In this case, using / listening to this music is not recommended. Listening to Ströhm - Music® together with alcohol Ströhm - Music can be listened to together with alcohol consumption. Driving and using machines Ströhm - Music has no influence on the ability to drive and use machines. 4. How should you listen to STRöHM -Music®? Always listen to this music exactly as described in this booklet. dosage To listen to again and again Hearing in adults and adolescents (from 16 years of age) The recommended single dose is 1CD per day; if necessary, the dose can be repeated at least 4 hours apart. In the case of greater lack of imagination or severe pain, the recommended single dose is 2 CDs; this dose can also be repeated at least 4 hours apart if necessary; The total daily dose should not exceed 4 CDs per day. Use in elderly patients (65 years and over) The recommended single dose is 1-2 CD's per day; if necessary, the dose can be repeated at least 4 hours apart; Perhaps you will start improvising music yourself - from retirement or even before that? The total daily dose should not exceed 3 CDs per day. Use in adolescents aged 12-15 years: The dosage depends on the adolescent's ability to grasp; the age information is for informational purposes only; The recommended single dose is 1 CD; if necessary, the dose can be repeated at least 4 hours apart; The total daily dose should not exceed 2 CDs per day. Use in special patient groups Listen to this music for your entire life (if you are unimaginative) or 3–4 days or always (against pain), even if you have a doctor's prescription. Type of listening Remove the music carrier from its case and insert the CD into your device. Concentrate and listen to the music with plenty of calm and serenity. Of course, you can also download or stream the music. When you've listened to more Ströhm - Music® than you wanted It is possible that symptoms such as ringing in the ears, hearing loss and headache may occur while listening; these are typical signs of an overdose. If you suspect an overdose, stop listening and rest for a few hours or go for a walk. If you have forgotten to listen to Ströhm - Music® Just listen to the double dose if you forget. If you have any additional questions about listening to music improvisation, contact your music salesperson. 5. What side effects are possible? Like all music, this music can have side effects, but not everybody can experience them. Frequencies Not known: frequency cannot be estimated from the available data. All of these side effects are not serious and do not need urgent medical attention or immediate hospitalization. The following symptoms of the side effect could be noticed: Danger of addiction (desire for more, loss of hearing control, red cheeks, etc.); nervous reactions such as goose bumps, shivering coldly over the back, swelling of the reddening of the face in connection with internal storms of enthusiasm; Headache, hearing loss, ringing in the ears (tinnitus); such symptoms are usually a sign of an overdose. These side effects are particularly common with high doses, which largely normalize after reducing hearing. Reporting of side effects If you experience any side effects, hear a little less. This also applies to side effects that are not listed in this booklet. You can also report side effects directly here: STRöHM Eckhart Landes and Tilo Carozzi 6. How should this STRöHM CD or download be stored? Keep this music accessible to everyone. You may listen to this music again and again after the date stated on the booklet. The date refers to the production time. Do not store above 30 ° C. You should not use this music CD if you notice any audible signs of deterioration. Do not dispose of the music CD in household waste. Ask your music seller how to dispose of the music when you no longer use it. You help to protect our environment. Music CD distribution Daphono Records 72813 St. Johann GERMANY Email: Web: This leaflet was last revised in February 2021 Was ist Ströhm Inhalt Hören Wie Welche Download Inhalt der Musik von Ströhm Up
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